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Kiana Cook

Kiana Cook is a Copywriter at EF Ultimate Break and a bubbly explorer with a passion for travel and a taste for the unconventional. She’s bounced around a bit and blindly moved to multiple places across the globe. She lives on “just sending it” and hoping for the best. With two years of living in Japan under her belt, she’s a self-proclaimed master of living like a local and finding off-the-beaten path attractions. Fueled by wanderlust and armed with an intimidating bucket list, Kiana loves a good solo adventure where she can explore and embarrass herself without an audience.

When she’s not dreaming of her next runaway vacay, she’s an avid thrifter and coffee connoisseur. Kiana lives for coffee shop-hopping and studying the bean growth process so she can open her own shop one day. If there was a sole philosophy she preaches to all travelers it’s: make a friend everywhere you go so you’ll always have a reason to come back—and a couch to surf on.

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