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Hangover Cures: The Good, the Bizarre, the International

Care for some bull pizzle, anyone?

You’re hungover. And while you were sweating and swearing off the hooch (we’ve all been there), we hit the books. And by books we mean the internet because it’s not 1995—and found a few hangover cures from around the world juuust might be the antidote to your rough morning. Drink ’em up.

A plate of umeboshi, or pickled plums famous in Japan.

Japan: umeboshi

The Japanese have dozens of recovery options but Umeboshi AKA pickled plums are the most talked about methods. Apparently, the natural enzymes and organic acids help ease nausea, while the salt replenishes depleted electrolytes. This sounds scientific with words like "enzymes" and "electrolytes" it must be true, right?

Give it a try on a trip to Japan

A person's feet sticking out of the sand.

Ireland: wet river sand

Irish legend claims burying yourself up to your neck in the cold sand gets your blood pumping and wakes you up. While possibly refreshing, it seems like a great way to catch a cold, and an even better way to guarantee you’ll be finding sand in your belly button for days.

Give it a try on a trip to Ireland

A cow in a field.

Italy: pizzle

Wine hangovers might be the worst of the hangovers. And in Italy, they happen a lot. Which must be why they ended up moving beyond aspirin and onto pizzle, an old Sicilian remedy that involves snacking on dried bull…Not so shockingly, this method isn’t as popular as it used to be, but there are still some believers out there.

Give it a try on a trip to Italy

A bowl of patsas, a Greek stew.

Greece: patsas

Pasta? In Greece? No, you’re hungover. Read closer. This is patsas, a hearty stew made from veggies and lamb stomach. And while the thought of putting lamb stomach into your stomach might not be the best visual, the Greeks have been around for literal ages. They probably know how to recover an epic party.

Give it a try on a trip to Greece

A full English breakfast with eggs, sausage, bacon, potatoes, bread, and beans.

The UK: a full English breakfast

Nothing cures the post-beer blues better than heaping plates of breakfast food. The full English breakfast, also known as a fry up, has proven an effective remedy for pub-goers and clubbers alike for decades, so cheers to that.

Give it a try on a trip to England

A bowl of sancocho de gallina, a Latin American soup.

Colombia & Latin America: sancocho de gallina

Is there nothing chicken soup can’t cure? No. No there’s not. And this yummy Latin American twist on chicken soup is a tried and true way to recover after you’ve fiesta-ed to hard. So what's the secret? We talked to every Colombian grandmother we could find and they told us...culantro! A similar herb like cilantro, but with a "u" (duh) and a more intense flavor. Grandmas know everything.

Give it a try on a trip to Latin America

A piece of cold pizza.

United States: Pedialyte® and cold pizza

This needs no explanation. Give it a try on a North America trip

...Or, you know, this upcoming weekend.

P.S.: EF Ultimate Break makes no promise to the validity of each hangover cure. But, try 'em out and let us know which worked for you.

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EF Ultimate Break Staff

EF Ultimate Break is the best way to travel for anyone 18–35. Our staff is made up of experts in world travel, and as a proud part of EF Education First, EF Ultimate Break draws on 55 years of expertise to create amazing travel experiences.

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