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Ultimate Break Tour Directors React to American Snack Foods

We gave 3 of our European Tour Directors some iconic-ish snacks you can only find in the US of A. The results were….well, just watch.

"France" text over a lit-up Eiffel Tower at night.

Meet Ivana, Mike, and Iraklis, 3 of our rockstar Tour Directors who recently took a break from exploring the world to swing by HQ in Boston. When they were here, we convinced them to join us in the studio to try some cult-classic munchies—like Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and OG Entenmann’s cupcakes. Their reactions were something else.


Ivana loves Italian food so much that she moved from her native Croatia to Rome. AKA she’s pasta and gelato obsessed. Pork rinds? Not so much.

You can get to know Ivana on tours like Cruise Croatia and Italy & the Greek Islands.


Let’s just say energy drinks aren’t exactly where Mike turns when he needs some energy. Instead he usually goes for a cuppa and a full English breakfast. Beans on toast tho???

Want more Mike in your life? Try booking Germany, Italy & Switzerland or Venice, Florence & Rome.


Around here, we go wild for authentic Greek baklava. But Iraklis looks like he’s ready to trade all the Greek desserts for a single bite of Entemann’s.

Travel with Iraklis and sample those Greek treats for yourself. He’s big into Greek Odyssey and Ultimate Greek Islands.

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