Out of Office: Rome, Paris & London
Our team loves to travel. And we love hearing about said travels. So when Micaela H., an expert Trip Consultant, just got back from Rome, Paris & London, we just had to ask her about her trip.
Name: Micaela
Trip: Rome, Paris & London
Tour Director: Darren Thompson
Best thing you drank: All the red wine in Rome
Favorite foreign phrase you learned: "Coffin dodgers"—it's what our Tour Guide Joel called old people
Go-to group photo pose: "The point"
Selfie sticks: genius or horrendous?: Genius—I’ve never used one but I wish I did—I have short arms
City with the cleanest bathrooms: London
Book you read during your trip: The Lost Girls
Best memory that happened after 2am: We "slapped the bag" in front of the Eiffel Tower while it was lit up and sparkling
Peanuts or pretzels?: Pretzels